Participate in our Study on Environment and Personal Beliefs

I would like to invite you to participate in some research with my team and me. We are conducting a study on human behavior over time. Particularly, we want to learn about people’s moral, ethical and/or spiritual beliefs and their thoughts and behaviors related to the climate and environment. Participation is fully online and you don’t need to show up anywhere in person.

If you are over the age of 18 and live in the United States, you are eligible to participate. We want everyone to participate, no matter their political preferences, religion, race or education level. Everyone’s thoughts and behaviors matter to us. 

This is a longitudinal study, which means the study will last either TWO or THREE years and requires about 4 to 10 hours of time each year. Participants will be compensated $50 to $100 each year depending on the length and complexity of the study cohort they are assigned to, which means you could earn $150 to $300 total by the end of the study. 

We would very much value your participation. Research is an important process and depends exclusively on the help and generosity of people like you. If you are interested, please fill out the Google form posted below that will collect your demographic information, which will be kept strictly confidential to this study. 

We look forward to working with you on this research! If you think of anyone else who might be interested, please share with them or your network. Thank you!

Fill out this form if you are interested in participating in the research

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